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At first I was pretty nervous about this assignment because I have never done 3D-modeling of any sorts before. However, I found tinkercad to be pretty simple to use after messing around with it on my own and Dr. Gatlin's instructions. Tinkercad did have some sort of sensitivity issue; for example, if I wanted to change the dimensions just slightly of one piece, it would change drastically instead.

Since this assignment was to make a model of an animal that we have some sort of personal or cultural connection to, I chose to make mine based off a beetle. I chose a beetle because it reminds me of times when I was in elementary school and would spend recess looking for bugs in the grass with a few of my friends.

I think 3D-modeling is a unique skill that could be taught in high school. I also think it is becoming more relevant as  3D printers are being used more often for different purposes.

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