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Lesson Plan Powerpoint - Ash, Chrystal, Grace, Sky, Kevin

Art History Presentation - Chrystal Manzo

Anticipatory Set - Grace Ahn

Sculpting Activity

Intention: This activity teaches preschoolers to accept others and allows them to be creative as well. 


What to do: Give each preschooler some clay, a paper plate and craft sticks. Instruct the preschoolers to sculpt something, such as a person or a dog. After they have sculpted for a couple of minutes, ask them to use only one hand to sculpt. 


Critical Thinking: After they're finished, ask them how much more difficult it was to sculpt with just one hand. Explain to them that some people don't have both of their arms or legs and have to face many challenges every day.

Lesson Plan - Ash Seraphin & Kevin Mao

Rubric - Ash Seraphin

Step by Step Instruction - Sky Na

How to use Procreate to make an Educational Infographic

  • Tap the “+” symbol and select “screen size” under “New canvas”

  • In order to change the color of the background, first tap the                 two-square icon in the top right-hand corner to access layer selection.

    • Then select the background layer

    • In the top-right corner, select the color dot and pick                    which color you would like for your background

    • Once the color has been selected, drag the color dot                          to your canvas and it will act as a paint bucket

  • If you are hand-drawing/writing your entire graphic,                          select a brush from the brush icon in the top right-hand corner

  • If you would like to use text, tap the wrench icon                                  next to “Gallery” and select “Add text”

  • Add your title (the topic you researched),                                              then base your graphic on your research

  • How to select text:

    • Go to your layers and select the corresponding text

    • Tap twice to select and access options

    • Go to “regular” to change your font, style etc.

  • How to select art:

    • Go to the s-shaped icon next to the cursor icon

    • Select art using tool

  • Side bar tools:

    • The left sided bar contains:

      • Brush size

      • Color selector

      • Opacity

Activity Worksheet - Chrystal Manzo

305 worksheet 1.jpg
305 worksheet 3.jpg
305 worksheet 2.jpg
305 worksheet 4.jpg

Individual Teacher Sample

Blindness info graphic poster.jpg


I really enjoyed this project! I had a fun experience working with my group and figuring out how to handle this assignment. My favorite part of this project was definitely seeing my group partners' teacher samples because I feel like we all accomplished the lesson but from different angles. I also love how we made something that could be used in the classroom. I also feel like I learned some new things from them which is always nice. I think the lesson we developed is great because, again it is something that could be used in the classroom while having an important purpose/message. I think if possible, I would like to try to teach this lesson in the future at a high school.

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