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I have always had an interest in the arts since as early as elementary school. However, it was not until 7th grade when I had my first experience in an art class via the elective "Wheel" class (which comprised of Drama, Global Learning, Speech and Debate, and Art, separated into 4 quarters). It was then when I had started learning more about art. Due to how my high school handled classes however, I did not take another art class until my junior year when I took "Beginning 2D Art." I believe this to be a pivotal moment in my art path because it was then when I had considered art to be a possible future for me even more. I moved on to the intermediate class in my senior year and it was probably the class I enjoyed the most that year. Then came orientation where I had decided to become a Studio Art major.


Although there were a few bumps in the road as well as a slight change in paths, I believe that everything I have done led up to this point. Now, my goal is to become a teacher and a role model for students, like my teachers and educators have been for me. I believe in a mutual exchange of respect and trust between student and teacher. I also believe that one never really stops being a student because I believe that there is always more to learn. I also do not wish to be seen solely as a teacher or someone who hands out grades to their students. I wish for my students to see me as someone who will listen to them and any of their concerns. A trait that I admired the most about teachers is when they actually care about students so I wish to carry that trait onwards.

I also believe in cultivating creativity as a group. Not necessarily meaning that everything has to be a collaboration, just that, I believe being in a space to openly discuss ideas or methods is a great way to push one's creative outlet. I understand that the art world can be competitive, but I do not think that means you have to see your peers as competitors. I believe everyone moves at their own pace, but seeing the work of others can help inspire growth in themselves.

Overall, I believe having an understanding teacher that respects their students can help create a learning environment that is beneficial to one's creativity. Being able to open up and share ideas have been positively influential to me, so I hope to provide that space for students as well.

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